The Cloud

Written in January, 2016. 

The rainbow slowly emerged-
Arousing joy that was fragile
or apathy for its magic
As I watched from behind the cloud.

I turned to the copper Star, That
was to the rain a shroud,
to the sky, a warm kiss
encaged in this kaleidoscopic abyss.
Like an ocean there was a sound,
twas fast cars, journey bound,
And a little sprinkler moved,
Adding to this palette a groove.

I turned back to the rainbow, To see 
the celestial link, and frown in disguise  
the glowing colours, and translucent side
the pretty fable, and compelling lie.

I wept with the dying crescent,
I pleaded for the happy veil,
I beseeched the fog to go,

Yet all that did was the rainbow.


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